
Posts Tagged ' storm damage'

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Repairing Winter Weather Damage in Time for Spring

The harsh winters in Minnesota can cause damage to a home with storms, ice, and downed limbs. Fortunately, houses are designed to withstand most typical weather in the area, but it is important to remember the design also calls for ongoing maintenance. It's usually a good idea to talk with a contractor in the spring and the home inspected for any damage which may have occurred so it can be repaired before it becomes worse.

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Dealing with Winter Storm Damage

Some people enjoy the warm summer weather and wearing bathing suits while suntanning, others prefer the brisk frost of a cold winter morning. Regardless of your personal preference, there are things you can do to prepare for potential storm damage to your home which inevitably occurs when the winter storms blow through. Ideally, you repair potential problems before they become disastrous, but some types of damage simply cannot be foreseen and have to be addressed as it happens. The solution comes in the form of preparation, and part of such preparation is to have a good standing relationship with a contractor who is ready to conduct repairs as they come up and are needed.

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The Problems Caused by a Frozen Gutter

In the northern portions of the United States, winter weather causes a particular type of problem in the form of frozen water in the gutters of a home or building. Although it is an unfortunate problem, it is also quite common and there is an easy solution. To rephrase that statement, there is an easy resolution if the problem is addressed immediately before it causes further damage.

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Can You Remodel during Winter Weather?

Building and remodeling of homes is a job typically conducted during warm summer weather, and is therefore often overlooked as a potential winter job. You would be correct to assume the work is easier to do during nice weather, but that doesn't mean it can't be done in the cold. The disadvantage is the work may take longer than usual because there are some days when winter weather prevents your contractor from safely conducting the job. The upside is your contractor needs the work and is less pressed for time during winter months when less work is happening as a general state of affairs.

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