Water leaks are never pleasant. When you realize you’ve got one, it’s usually raining, which means the most you can do at the moment is grab a bucket and deal with any immediate mess you have on your hands. You’ll get to assess the damage in the aftermath once the clouds have passed by when you’re stuck with the chores of handling cleanup and searching for and repairing the leak.

At The Construction Group in Woodbury, we can take part of that pressure off of your plate with our complete range of home repair and remodeling services. In this post, we’re covering how to fix painted walls with water damage. To schedule general contracting services for your Minnesota home, give us a call today.

When Water Damage Strikes

No matter what the reason behind a water leak, it’s important to get to the root cause and complete a thorough repair as soon as possible. Not only does water damage stain your walls, cause your paint to peel, and erode drywall, but it can also significantly damage the structure of your walls over time.

 Although it may be tempting to simply paint over the damaged area, doing so will only temporarily hide the more serious problem lurking underneath. Additionally, water-damaged walls create a fertile environment for mold proliferation, exposing a home’s occupants to potential health threats. And when it’s left to worsen over time, water damage can add up to more costly repairs.

Follow these steps to repair your water-damaged wall after identifying and stopping the leak:

1.    Gather supplies.

Begin by gathering everything you’ll need to conduct your wall repair. You’ll need a roller or paintbrush, paint that matches your damaged wall, primer, a scraper, and some chlorine bleach. You’ll also need to gather additional painting supplies like a mask, tarp, and painter’s tape.

2.    Prepare the wall.

Start by identifying and removing any mold, mildew, or debris on your wall using a solution of water mixed with a few drops of bleach. Be sure to clean your wall thoroughly as mold can spread with only a single spore.

3.    Dry the wall.

Once you’ve cleaned the wall, you’ll need to make sure it’s completely dry. Use a dry cloth to wipe the surface and allow it to air dry or apply a fan, blowdryer, or space heater to help the process.

4.    Apply primer.

Primer is one of those steps that gets missed too often, but it’s important because it adds an extra layer of protection over your drywall and helps the paint adhere better. Be sure to use a water-based primer that’s recommended for use with your chosen paint.

5.    Apply the paint.

For your final step, add a couple of coats of paint over the damaged area. Be sure to feather the new paint so it goes on nice and evenly rather than standing out as a bad patch job.

Call Our Minnesota General Contracting Services

If taking a chance on DIY water damage and paint repair is not something you’re willing to risk, our experts at The Construction Group can help. We offer a complete range of home improvement services including siding, drywall, and painting. To get a free quote on general contracting services, call The Construction Group in Woodbury at 651-731-5857 or contact us online today.